Retoña el Membrillero / New outbreaks of quince
Cydonia oblonga, comúnmente llamado membrillo o membrillero.
Cydonia oblonga, comúnmente llamado membrillo o membrillero.
Es un árbol de tamaño pequeño a mediano, originario de la región del Cáucaso,
en el sudoeste cálido de Asia (Irán, Turquía).
Es un árbol frutal emparentado con el manzano y el peral.
Su fruto, llamado asimismo membrillo, es de color amarillo-dorado brillante cuando está maduro.
El membrillo es demasiado duro, astringente y agrio por lo que no es usual comerlo crudo, a menos que sea escarchado (preparándolo de modo que el azúcar cristalice).
Se usa para hacer mermelada, compota y pudin, o puede pelarse para posteriormente asarlo.
Su fuerte aroma hace que sea un complemento para añadir en pequeñas cantidades al pastel de manzana y a la mermelada, para potenciar el sabor.
Se puede también producir vino de fruta del zumo estrujado de membrillos.
En España, hay regiones del archipiélago canario donde se suaviza su sabor sumergiéndolo previamente en agua de mar, de modo que éste resulte más apto al paladar.
Cydonia oblonga, commonly called quince and quince. It is a tree of small to medium size, a native of the Caucasus, in the warm southwestern Asia (Iran, Turkey). It is a fruit tree related to the apple and pear. Its fruit, also called quince, is bright golden yellow when ripe. The quince is too hard, astringent and sour so it is not usual to eat it raw, unless it is frosty (preparing so that the sugar crystallizes). Is used to make jam, compote, pudding, or can be peeled later grilled. Its strong aroma makes it a snap to add in small quantities to apple pie and jam to enhance the flavor. It can also produce wine squeezed fruit juice quince. In Spain, there are regions of the Canary archipelago where it softens the flavor previously immersion in sea water, so that it is most suited to the palate.
Cydonia oblonga, commonly called quince and quince. It is a tree of small to medium size, a native of the Caucasus, in the warm southwestern Asia (Iran, Turkey). It is a fruit tree related to the apple and pear. Its fruit, also called quince, is bright golden yellow when ripe. The quince is too hard, astringent and sour so it is not usual to eat it raw, unless it is frosty (preparing so that the sugar crystallizes). Is used to make jam, compote, pudding, or can be peeled later grilled. Its strong aroma makes it a snap to add in small quantities to apple pie and jam to enhance the flavor. It can also produce wine squeezed fruit juice quince. In Spain, there are regions of the Canary archipelago where it softens the flavor previously immersion in sea water, so that it is most suited to the palate.
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